Tuesday, April 26, 2016

final preview

  1. i learned how to edit, cut, and jump to different clips using iMovie. i also learned the extent to which you can edit the clips even though iMovie is an extremely basic editing program. theres so much potential with using iMovie even though it isn't the most advanced.
  2. iMovie allows you to make edits to the quality of the video as well as the content, or what you want in it or what you don't
  3. i didn't know the extent of how much editing is capable through iMovie
  4. i'm concerned that i won't be capable of utilizing iMovie because i'm inexperienced so my final product might not reflect my potential
  5. i'm confident i'll be able to shoot all the shots/photos i'll need early
  6. i want to do a "documentation" of my friends' new band 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

nut graf

nut graf- a summary of the subject "in a nutshell", a sentence or two summarizing the event or person.

student of the month story

who- Sarah Baber
what- winner of student of the month 
where- JBHS
when- monday, April 4th
why- she was the most dedicated and efficient student this month
how- her study habits and grades along with general attitude put her on top

Sarah Baber, a 10th grader at JBHS, was awarded the title Student of the Month on Monday, April 4th, for her hard work, dedication to school, and her overall positive attitude.

inverted pyramid

Monday, April 4, 2016

my first interview

1.     What does the award mean to you?
it means i did something right.
2.     Why do you think you were chosen for student of the month?
i think i was chosen because i tried really hard in my academic setting, i proven myself and gotten out there.
3.     How does the election process work?
teachers nominate you and then you get interviewed and you have to write an essay
4.     What qualities as a student set you apart from the rest?
i work hard and i come in after school and i stay at school for a long time and im involved in a lot of extra curricular activities.
5.     How do you feel winning this award?
i feel honored
6.     How did your family react?
they were really shocked but really happy for me.
7.     How did your peers react?
they didnt know who i was
8.     Who, beside yourself, do you feel deserves the award?
melissa weprin
9.     How much time do you spend studying?
not a lot of time
10. Outside of school? If not where and when.
i study in school, if at all
11. How does outside school activities affect your studying habits?
i have to decide between studying or hanging out with friends
12. What do you think makes a good student of the moth?
i spend my time in school and i help other students. 
13. Who told you that you won?
the head of the student council announced it over the intercom
14. Did you know you were elected?

15. How can others make this achievement?
work hard, play hard
16. Do you think you’ll be chosen again?
yeah, why not
17. Does this make you a positive role model? How so?
heck yeah, i love being a positive role model
18. What are you going to do next?
try my hardest in school and actually study
19. Do you find joy in this award?
yes it makes me really happy

20. If you could go back and correct anything, how would you?
i would go back and correct how often i studied in freshman year and how much i studied, and work hard, play hard