Monday, December 7, 2015

magazines part 2

  1. early covers- the first magazine covers were modeled after books in the mid 1700s and only showed a title and publication info. slowly pictures began to be added and the first cover lines weren't added till the late 1800s.
  2. poster cover- magazines became larger to highlight the cover art that most if not all magazines started to have. professional illustrators made their mark and became large for the work they did. 
  3. pictures married to type- cover pictures began to be surrounded by text giving insight to the magazine in a way that was aesthetically pleasing and did not cover up the subject. different fonts and colors were utilized to compliment the picture.
  4. in the forest of words- pictures then became second to bold cover lines and designers then began to have the words compete with the picture. magazine covers would be completely covered in text.

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