Monday, September 28, 2015

post shoot relflection- peer critique

Sarah Baber

I liked the constant subject she used for 4 of 5 of her pictures, it made it feel like it was a series that correlate to each other rather than multiple random subjects. I also like how she set up the composition of the photo, rather than taking everything from the same angle, the viewer can tell she positioned the camera differently every time and how nothing was really centered.

In her simplicity photo, I feel like there is too much going on in the background, defeating the ideals of simplicity.

the camera: history and information

the camera

  1. The "camera obscura"(latin for dark room) effect is an illusion created by ancient greek and chinese philosophers. The idea is that there's a small stream of light from a box in a dark room and an outside scene is projected upside down on the opposing wall. 
  2. 2. High quality glass lenses were created that moved us one step closer to the invention of the camera.
  3. A glass lens, a dark box, and film
  4. Light passes through the lens, through the camera and exposes the film in both modern and old cameras.
  5. An electronic sensor called a CCD
  6. Auto is fully automatic when it comes to settings, while program mode allows the user to control some of the settings
  7. Its used for taking portraits, the background will blur, focusing on the subject 
  8. Sports mode is used for taking pictures where the subject(s) are quickly moving, so the shutter speed is set high.
  9. The camera will focus on the subject when you use a half-press on the button, and will remain in focus lock for as long as you hold it down. 
  10. Flash disabled, its used when natural light is better for the composition of the photo
  11. Auto-flash, automatically turned on when the camera thinks it needs more light.
  12. The picture will be washed out
  13. The picture will be too dark
  14. "Stop" means there is a change in brightness of the light 
  15. 1 stop brighter
  16. 2 stops brighter
  17. longer shutter speed = more light
  18. shorter shutter speed = less light
  19. Aperture controls the opening size, controlling how much light is able to come into the camera
  20. You can increase the amount of light by increasing the opening size of the aperture.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

photo manipulation and ethics

A.) The story basically covers the way some photojournalists have unethically edited photos they submitted for publish and the consequences that followed. Most of these photographers changed the way the composition was to make it seem like their photos were more dramatic.

B.) I  believe its unethical the way that the manipulation was used. Its a photojournalist's job to present the event accurately, as a form of record keeping, and to remain truthful to the actual event.

This is the most unethical photo from the website, they merged two photos to make the situation seem worse than it actually was, which violates the ethics of a photojournalist.

This is the most ethical manipulation because the editor was just trying to brighten the dark spots so the viewer would be able to better see the photo from 1970. There was no movement of the people or manipulation to the background.

Friday, September 18, 2015

post shoot reflection

1. one of the biggest challenges i had with this prompt was finding squares and not having them look morphed when i shot from a different angle

2. i thought about angle and body position the most

3. i would better plan out the composition of the photo

4. i would probably use some of the same subjects

5. i ended up achieving 4 out of 6 rules

6. it would be interesting to do this later in the year when i better understand the rules and the camera in general

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

prompt shoot #1

leading lines


rule of thirds


Thursday, September 10, 2015

composition 9/11- the first 6 rules of photographic composition

the smoke and the buildings create a frame around the subject of the picture, the plane, drawing attention to it and creating drama. 

the lines of the building lead to the gash through the center, drawing attention to the tragedy

Avoiding Mergers
the angle the photo was shot in avoids the men merging with the wreckage to draw attention to how bad the building was left in, but also gives a comparison with two beings that aren't combined with the wreckage, creating drama 

Rule of Thirds
the photographer placed the people and the black mechanism in the bottom right third to show a comparison as well as create drama

the photographer got at an angle to include multiple people to avoid having too much empty space

the photographer shot a close up to focus on the two women, removing the excess space and background to create more drama