Tuesday, September 22, 2015

photo manipulation and ethics

A.) The story basically covers the way some photojournalists have unethically edited photos they submitted for publish and the consequences that followed. Most of these photographers changed the way the composition was to make it seem like their photos were more dramatic.

B.) I  believe its unethical the way that the manipulation was used. Its a photojournalist's job to present the event accurately, as a form of record keeping, and to remain truthful to the actual event.

This is the most unethical photo from the website, they merged two photos to make the situation seem worse than it actually was, which violates the ethics of a photojournalist.

This is the most ethical manipulation because the editor was just trying to brighten the dark spots so the viewer would be able to better see the photo from 1970. There was no movement of the people or manipulation to the background.

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