Thursday, September 10, 2015

composition 9/11- the first 6 rules of photographic composition

the smoke and the buildings create a frame around the subject of the picture, the plane, drawing attention to it and creating drama. 

the lines of the building lead to the gash through the center, drawing attention to the tragedy

Avoiding Mergers
the angle the photo was shot in avoids the men merging with the wreckage to draw attention to how bad the building was left in, but also gives a comparison with two beings that aren't combined with the wreckage, creating drama 

Rule of Thirds
the photographer placed the people and the black mechanism in the bottom right third to show a comparison as well as create drama

the photographer got at an angle to include multiple people to avoid having too much empty space

the photographer shot a close up to focus on the two women, removing the excess space and background to create more drama

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