Friday, October 30, 2015

aperture, shutter speed, and ISO- what are they?

larger aperture

smaller aperture

  1. aperture is related to the human eye.
  2. the smaller the aperture the less light is brought in, the larger the aperture the more light is able to come through.
  3. the larger the aperture, or camera opening, the more blurred the background is because of Depth of Field, or the amount of the photo is brought into focus.
Shutter Speed-

low shutter speed

high shutter speed

  1.      a. low shutter speed
  2.      b. low shutter speed
  3.      c. high shutter speed
  4.      d. high shutter speed
  5.      e. high shutter speed
  6.      f. high shutter speed

  7.     a. low shutter speed
  8.     b. low shutter speed
  9.     c. low shutter speed
  10.     d. low shutter speed
  11.     e. low shutter speed
  12.     f. low shutter speed

  13. 2. the camera has 3 settings regarding shutter speed; auto which automatically sets the speed depending on the lighting and the rest of the settings; shutter priority, where the aperture is automatically set depending on the speed you manually set the shutter at; and finally manual, where you set all the settings by yourself.

ISO 200

ISO 3200

  1. more light is able to be gathered and then transformed in camera when shooting at night or when little light is available 
  2. the photographer should always try to stick to the base ISO to get the highest quality image
  3. only increase ISO when fast motion shots need to be captured
aperture: 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
shutter speed: 1 sec.- 1/4000 sec
ISO: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600

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