Monday, October 26, 2015

great black and white photographers part 2


Ansel Adams was born on February 20th, 1902, in San Francisco. In the earthquakes of 1906, he was thrown into a garden wall, which broke his nose and it was never properly fixed, making his nose one of his biggest defining features. He didn't attend an actual school as a child because he was sickly and was constantly dismissed from school because of bad behavior, so he had a private tutor as a child. He taught himself piano, and began experimenting with photography at the age of 14. He started using the darkroom at Best's Studio in Yosemite Valley, and eventually married the owners daughter, Virginia Best, who inherited the studio in 1935. He went on to photograph major events like World War II camps for a photo essay on injustice during war. Later in his life, his photographs, mostly nature, were shown in large museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

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