Thursday, November 12, 2015

self portrait and portraits part 1

  1. Alter Your Perspective
  2. Introduce Movement
  3. Candids
I like this one because it shows a man in his natural environment doing everyday things and it gives the viewer a sense of who he is and what he does, while being beautifully captured. I also find the composition pleasing because the red of his clothing is the only pop of color making the viewer's eye drawn to the subject.

I like this one because it shows the woman's room, which gives the viewer an idea of her sense of style as well as insight to her personality. 

I picked this one because I like the lack of color, it gives it more mood and a sense of depth. I also like the composition and the way he's holding the camera. 

I like this self portrait also because of the way the paint brush exposes a color, making the viewer think about the meaning behind the photo.

I like these two casual portraits because they seem so natural and relaxed.

I'm not sure who I'll shoot, but I'm going to definitely shoot outside or in my room, where the subject looks natural. Basically my portraits will be candid. To make my shoot successful I'm going to shoot at multiple angles as well as in different types of lighting. 

love and loss warmup

  1. i felt the sense of tragedy and sadness that developed through the photos, but i also could feel the love they shared.
  2. he meant they aren't supposed to define their relationship or who they are as people, the photos are just little pieces of them, because of how much emotion is put into them.
  3. if i were in a situation like this, i'd like to say i'd be able to shoot a series like this but because how painful it would be to capture and look back on the loss would be difficult. 
  4. i would give him praise for how beautiful his series is and how amazed i am at the fact he was able to stay strong while shooting such a personal loss and the steps that led up to that loss for the purpose of keeping a memory and to show people pieces of them as a couple. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

academic shoot

  1. this picture shows simplicity, because i cropped out as much background information as possible to focus on the subject
  2. the subject is the girl working on her drawing
  3. its clear to the viewer what the subject is

  1. this picture shows balance because there is equal subject matter on either side of the photo
  2. the subjects are the boys sitting at the table
  3. its clear to the viewer what the subject is, all though the composition of the photo isn't that great
  4. I could work on focusing better as well as planning the composition better

  1. this picture shows rule of thirds because the subject's face, or the focal point, is mainly in the upper third of the picture
  2. the subject is Mr. Stamper lecturing in his class
  3. its clear to the viewer that Mr. Stamper is the subject, however the photo is dark, and didn't lighten while still keeping the subject intact when I went back to edit the levels
  4. I could've exposed the picture better so the viewer could more clearly see the subject