Thursday, November 5, 2015

academic shoot

  1. this picture shows simplicity, because i cropped out as much background information as possible to focus on the subject
  2. the subject is the girl working on her drawing
  3. its clear to the viewer what the subject is

  1. this picture shows balance because there is equal subject matter on either side of the photo
  2. the subjects are the boys sitting at the table
  3. its clear to the viewer what the subject is, all though the composition of the photo isn't that great
  4. I could work on focusing better as well as planning the composition better

  1. this picture shows rule of thirds because the subject's face, or the focal point, is mainly in the upper third of the picture
  2. the subject is Mr. Stamper lecturing in his class
  3. its clear to the viewer that Mr. Stamper is the subject, however the photo is dark, and didn't lighten while still keeping the subject intact when I went back to edit the levels
  4. I could've exposed the picture better so the viewer could more clearly see the subject

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